# Player Nickname Player Name Total Earnings RatingRating Last Game
1 Viper Park Do-hyeon $ 287807 593 2 weeks ago
2 Deft Kim Hyuk-kyu $ 499180 581 3 weeks ago
3 Peanut Han Wang-ho $ 715931 572 2 weeks ago
4 Kiin Kim Gi-in $ 157507 570 1 week ago
5 Flandre Li Xuan-jun $ 263448 562 1 week ago
6 Xiaohu Li Yuanhao $ 858669 547 3 weeks ago
7 369 Bai Jia-hao $ 503306 540 1 week ago
8 Knight Zhuo Ding $ 495074 539 1 week ago
9 JackeyLove Yu Wen-bo $ 945570 537 1 week ago
10 Bdd Gwak Bo-seong $ 320553 536 3 weeks ago
11 RooKie Song Eui-jin $ 748011 535 2 weeks ago
12 Doran Choi Hyeon-joon $ 258997 534 2 weeks ago
13 Zeka Kim Geon-woo $ 113402 533 2 weeks ago
14 ShowMaker Heo Su $ 515051 526 2 weeks ago
15 Aiming Kim Ha-ram $ 65103 522 2 weeks ago
16 Photic Ying Qi-shen $ 60671 521 2 weeks ago
17 Scout Lee Ye-chan $ 583745 514 3 weeks ago
18 Ruler Park Jae-hyuk $ 978936 513 1 week ago
19 Peyz Kim Su-hwan $ 116295 512 1 week ago
20 Tian Gao Tian-liang $ 420872 507 1 week ago
21 Kingen Hwang Seong-hoon $ 131059 505 2 weeks ago
22 Teddy Park Jin-seong $ 144399 505 1 month ago
23 Light Wang Guang-yu $ 128865 497 3 weeks ago
24 Canyon Kim Geon-bu $ 542508 494 1 week ago
25 shanji Deng Zi-jian $ 23701 493 2 weeks ago
26 Hena Park Jeung-hwan $ 4699 492 1 month ago
27 Weiwei Wei Bo-han $ 83663 491 3 weeks ago
28 BeryL Cho Geon-hee $ 562966 485 3 weeks ago
29 Clear Song Hyeon-min $ 4705 482 1 month ago
30 Zdz Zhu De-zhang $ 11468 475 3 weeks ago
31 Gala Chen Wei $ 268604 473 3 weeks ago
32 AKi Mao An $ 36902 472 2 weeks ago
33 Meteor Zeng Guo-hao $ 8433 468 1 month ago
34 Rascal Kim Kwang-hee $ 223278 468 1 month ago
35 Zika Tang Hua-yu $ 55486 467 3 weeks ago
36 Creme Lin Jian $ 8723 466 1 week ago
37 DuDu Lee Dong-ju $ 12678 463 4 weeks ago
38 Wayward Huang Ren-xing $ 82561 463 3 weeks ago
39 Leyan Lu Jue $ 78141 463 3 weeks ago
40 Cuzz Moon Woo-chan $ 222397 463 4 weeks ago
41 Clozer Lee Ju-hyeon $ 14730 460 1 month ago
42 Umti Um Sung-hyeon $ 46076 460 3 weeks ago
43 Delight Yoo Hwan-joong $ 93962 459 2 weeks ago
44 Breathe Chen Chen $ 41868 459 1 month ago
45 Elk Zhao Jia-hao $ 121514 456 1 week ago
46 Lwx Lin Wei-xiang $ 358891 456 1 month ago
47 Ale Hu Jia-le $ 55366 453 1 month ago
48 Chovy Jeong Ji-hoon $ 357884 453 1 week ago
49 Beichuan Yang Ling $ 38698 451 1 month ago
50 Able Dai Zhi-chun $ 115384 451 3 weeks ago

Top League of Legends Players You Should Support

There a lot of League of Legends players, especially considering how popular the game is and well it maintains itself. But only a select number of players manage to make it to rankings for the most popular players in League, and unless you’ve been into the game for a while, it may be hard to know all of them. That being said, if you want to know the top League of Legends players, we will list them for you.

Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok

The list must include Faker, because he is one of the popular LoL players that managed to make his name known all over the world. He is a very flexible player, and his influence is obvious when you look at all the success his team has had thanks to him. Playing as a mid laner, Faker helped his team win first place in the LCK Spring and Summer Splits twice. That’s a performance to be proud of, which is why Faker is one of the most essential parts of T1 and what makes him a top League of Legends player.

Yu “JackeyLove” Wen-Bo

One of the very best League of Legends players is definitely JackeyLove, the player who was an AD carry and was excited to be in the middle of four enemies since he was able to use Kai’Sa’s Killer Instinct. He became one of the most popular eSports players thanks to his crazy plays, as well as the fact that he was able to hoist a giant world championship trophy as well.

Song “Smeb” Kyung-ho

The 24-year-old League of Legends player really worked hard for the success he was able to achieve. He was able to become one of the League of Legends top players, and all because of the multiple games he and his team won at various tournaments. GE was able to be the best team at SBENU Champions Spring 2015. The player was able to win total prize money of $298,474.52.

Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang

Another player who is part of the young League of Legends players that became stars is Doinb. He is one of the professional gamers names to look forward to because his team, FunPlus Phoenix, was amazing in their LPL run, and Doinb helped a lot with that. His role was crucial in the team, which is what led to the team’s success, making him one of the most important League of Legends pro players.

Final Thoughts

The best League of Legends player is someone dedicated, skilled and popular. It’s hard to determine a single best player, as there are many good pro players in LoL. If you want to know who to bet on at the moment, you can check League of Legends player rankings, and you can also support these players by following them on social media.