# Nickname Name Earnings
# Nickname Name Earnings
1 Ace Marcus Hoelgaard Christensen $ 1929198
2 Shiro Guo Xuanang $ 284788
3 Collapse Magomed Khalilov $ 5538515
4 Quinn Quinn Callahan $ 1737919
5 DyrachYO Anton Shkredov $ 1208654
6 Nisha Michał Jankowski $ 3195363
7 33 Neta Shapira $ 2763599
8 miCKe Michael Vu $ 1640351
9 jabz Anucha Jirawong $ 1240885
10 niu Li Kongbo $ 224535
11 skiter Oliver Lepko $ 2559260
12 RAMZES666 Roman Kushnarev $ 2144171
13 Raddan Illya Mulyarchuk $ 5536910
14 Timado Enzo Gianoli O'connor $ 502463
15 Pure Ivan Moskalenko $ 504046
16 Cr1t Andreas Franck Nielsen $ 2830715
17 23savage Nuengnara Teeramahanon $ 819251
18 MieRo Matvey Vasunin $ 430206
19 ATF Ammar Saleh Alassaf $ 897380
20 Nightfall Egor Grigorenko $ 985587
21 boxi Samuel Svahn $ 1647551
22 tOfu Erik Engel $ 1197114
23 Sneyking Jingjun Wu $ 2893946
24 TA2000 Aibek Tokayev $ 213689
25 Larl Denis Sigitov $ 1591731
26 Seleri Melchior Hillenkamp $ 1249637
27 WhyouSm1Le Zhang Yiping $ 3988971
28 Wisper Adrian Cespedes Dobles $ 676510
29 gpk~ Danil Skutin $ 923714
30 Xxs Lin Jing $ 1424181
31 Miposhka Yaroslav Naidenov $ 5779256
32 Topson Topias Taavitsainen $ 5854904
33 Mira Miroslav Kolpakov $ 5522324
34 Ame Wang Chunyu $ 4205136
35 pakazs Crhistian Casanova $ 361239
36 Q Worawit Mekchai $ 547083
37 iNSaNiA Aydin Sarkohi $ 1649664
38 TORONTOTOKYO Alexander Khertek $ 4442196
39 watson Alimzhan Islambekov $ 144758
40 Oli Chan Chon Kien $ 1167041
41 Save- Vitalij Mel'nik $ 875464
42 Arteezy Artour Babaev $ 2580757
43 No!ob Tony Assaf $ 197264
44 Malr1ne Stanislav Potorak $ 483020
45 Pyw Xiong Jiahan $ 667649
46 Malik Sailau Abdimalik $ 186756
47 OmaR Omar Moughrabi $ 171182
48 Xm Guo Hongcheng $ 431818
49 MinD_ContRoL Ivan Ivanov $ 4762030
50 XinQ Zhao Zixing $ 2193958


Date Event Prize Pool
2026-11-06 PGL 2026 Tour 3 $ 1000000 No info
2026-04-17 PGL 2026 Tour 2 $ 1000000 No info
2026-03-06 PGL 2026 Tour 1 $ 1000000 No info
2025-11-25 BLAST Slam #5 No info No info
2025-11-07 PGL 2025 Tour 3 $ 1000000 No info
2025-11-03 DreamLeague S27 No info No info
2025-10-14 BLAST Slam #4 No info No info
2025-05-12 DreamLeague S26 No info No info
2025-05-06 BLAST Slam #3 No info No info
2025-04-18 PGL 2025 Tour 2 $ 1000000 No info
2025-03-06 PGL 2025 Tour 1 $ 1000000 No info
2025-02-16 DreamLeague S25 No info No info
2025-02-04 BLAST Slam #2 No info No info
2024-11-27 Elite League 2024 S3 $ 1000000 No info
2024-11-26 BLAST Slam #1 No info No info
2024-11-11 IESF 2024 $ 210000 No info
2024-10-27 DreamLeague S24 $ 1000000 No info
2024-10-04 BBD 2024 Autumn $ 1000000 No info
2024-10-04 PGL Wallachia S2 $ 1000000 No info
2024-09-16 RES RS EU #4 $ 50000 No info
2024-09-04 TI 2024 $ 1600000 No info
2024-08-23 KMC 2024 $ 5650 No info
2024-08-16 RES RS LATAM #4 $ 50000 No info
2024-07-29 RES RS SEA #4 $ 50000 No info
2024-07-28 SDVSR $ 500000 No info

Dota 2 eSports – What You Need to Know About It

Whether you’re into Dota 2 or not, you must definitely know about Dota 2 eSports, especially if you’ve played any video game before and have looked up games online. Released in 2013, it’s been a game that many people picked up and ended up loving, even more so after it allowed them to participate in competitions and gain money.

But the eSport Dota 2 has a lot of stuff that you need to know about, especially if you are planning to get into the game and become a professional player. That being said, here are some things about the Dota 2 sports eSports that you might find interesting.

The History Behind Dota 2 eSports

Before becoming the Dota 2 eSports sensation that we know it today, the Dota series actually began in 2003, and it was a mod for Warcraft 3 at first. The mod was created by someone with the pseudonym “Eul”. Later that year, there was an expansion pack for Warcraft 3, respectively “The Frozen Throne”. As such, there were a couple of new mods for DotA that were competing for popularity, and the one that won was created by Steve Feak. Then, he created the official DotA community website with his friend, Steve Mescon.

Feak later retired from DotA and IceFrog took charge of it, becoming the lead designer. It became one of the most popular and loved mods in the world. However, IceFrog and Mescon eventually had a falling out later in 2009, which made IceFrog build the site.

Some Valve employees later took interest in the mod and wanted to build a modern sequel for it, so they contacted IceFrog by email. As such, he was hired to direct a sequel and he made the announcement about his new position on his blog. While DotA, the name of the former mod, used to be short for Defense of the Ancients, it was changed to Dota only, as the new name of the game, which served as a concept, not an acronym. After a few years, the electronic sports sensation Dota 2 was released.

The Basics of the Game

Before getting into eSports Dota 2, you need to know the basics of the game. In this game, there are two players going against each other, attempting to defend their own Ancient building while destroying the opponent’s. When a team’s Ancient building is destroyed, they lose the match.

At the very beginning, when you start a Dota 2 game, the hero has very little gold, as well as no experience and it’s very weak. As you keep playing, you will gain a lot of gold and experience, which will allow your hero to gain additional levels and upgrade or unlock skills, as well as build a Talent Tree. With the gold, you are going to purchase items that are going to help you in a way or another.

In order to be able to beat your opponents, you need to work with your team and not alone. Working together and having a great strategy is the only way to win, otherwise, you can prepare yourself for a long chain of failures.

Final Thoughts

Dota 2 is a PC game that has gained more and more traction over the years, being one of the few electronic sports that managed to stay on top. It has been thriving in the game industry, especially if you look at every Dota 2 league and see how many amazing teams exist in the eSports industry. And what’s even better is that the Dota eSports industry will live on for a long time to come.

If you want to get into eSports, then the eSport Dota might be a game that makes you happy. The game is versatile, has a lot of heroes to choose from and can be a challenge, yet still pleasant. The sensation in eSports also has some of the best players in e-sports esports, and you can watch tournaments and place bets on the players. All in all, it’s a great opportunity to keep yourself entertained and win cash.